Lake Winterwood BOD Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2024

Location: Rick Schmid's Home

General Meeting (6:30 pm)


1) Meeting called to order 6:33 pm by Dave C.


2) Attendance and verification of quorum: Dave C., Michael L., Elizabeth T., Rick S., Chris M.(via phone)

Guest(s): Eydie Leighty (

3) Approval of Minutes from May BoD Meeting: Motion to approve.  Approved.

  • Amend April BoD meeting minutes to correct date of May BoD meeting to May 13, 2024.  Amendment approved, Eydie updated minutes in system.

4) Voting Report; ratify passed decisions/votes taken since last meeting:  Motion to ratify.  Ratified.


Date Voted

Issue Title



ACC Tree Removal



Approve Purchase of Dogi-Pot Bags $156.33 inc Tx



Approve Engraved Brass Plate to Dedicate Limited Access Gate $25



ACC Tree Removal Request



Approve May Board of Director Meeting Minutes



Vote to Spend $100 Spraying for Bees



ACC Request for Shed



ACC Replace 3 Back Windows with Vinyl Windows rather than Aluminum



Reimbursement for DIY Repairs- Rick Schmid $310.40



ACC Deck Construction



Owner Requests Tree Removal on Common Area Pac Arb $1,633.50 from Reserves


5) Financial Review May statement:

  • Income/Dues delinquencies: 1 homeowner 2 months delinquent. Late fee and interest applied. Board agreed to adhere to our new Collections Policy and when a homeowner is delinquent 90 days, a Collections/Lien warning letter is mailed.
  • Expenses: May expenses totaled $7,582.10.  Expenses include an overpayment of $816.34 to Wildlife Wizards for pest control.  Refund requested and adjustment will be reflected in June statement. Expenses in the amount of $15,636.74 were transferred from Reserves.  (Pacific Arboriculture greenbelt tree treatment $652.80 and PLM $14,983.94 small lake swale restoration).     
  • Reserve Balance: $61,756.32

6) Old Business

  • Issue 21608: ACC request for tree removal: pending request for City of Covington approval
  • Issue 21681: ACC request for Patio deck addition: pending approval.
  • Issue 21633: ACC replace garage doors: pending approval.
  • Issue 21484: Violation weeds in ditch: issue resolved within timeline.
  • Issue 21655: Tree removal in greenbelt: approved, job complete.
  • Issue 21612: Reimbursement maintenance general items:  Adjusted to include additional $97.41 in DIY approved expenses.
  • Issue 21477: Tree removal in greenbelt: Approved $761.60, job complete
  • Issue 21393: Repair of back flow irrigation valve: $1,375 approved.  Work to be performed on 6/13.  Rick to follow up with Denny to repeat back flow testing.
  • Issue 21302: Mole pest control: Rick to follow up with Leif at Wildlife Wizards on status.
  • RFP Landscape Management: Dave C. created template for landscape RFP and board voted to bid three potential vendors.  (LunaBella, Land Care, Green Day Landscaping)


LW Committee updates:

  • Events:
    • Garage Sale: Very successful event!  Thank you, Brittney Vosper for distributing the flyers and putting up and taking down the Garage Sale signs!  Approximately 20% of homeowners participated.  A good time was had by all.
    • Bike Parade: Saturday, June 29th  Still need volunteer lead
    • Clean Up Day: Saturday, July 13th Rick to work with George T. and maintenance committee to update project list and prepare for event.  Elizabeth to send Rick last year’s list of projects, volunteers and suggested additional projects
    • National Night Out: Tuesday, August 6th
    • Annual Meeting: Wednesday, September 11th
    • Halloween Spooktacular: Saturday, October 26th
  • Communications: will generate flyer for upcoming Bike Parade.
  • Maintenance:
    • Lake Fountain: Small lake fountain is back to normal operation after Lake treatment completed by new vendor, Northwest Lake Cleaning.  We are monitoring the algae growth and fountain flow.
  • Safety:
    • Trespass Postcards: In the two months since the postcard program started, Chapmans have placed 22 postcards on suspected trespassers’ cars.  Most cars have more than one person, so the estimate is 35 trespassers in two months. The committee discussed writing “Second Notice” on postcard if a repeat car is found. 

7) New Business

  • 2025 Budget planning:  Michael Lee prepared a draft budget report for the board to review, ask questions, make any comments and be prepared to discuss and finalize at July Board meeting.


8) Next BOD Meeting:  Monday, July 8th, 6:30 pm, Elizabeth T’s, lot #13


9) Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm