Foxwood HOA 
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
via Webex



-7:05 pm meeting called to order by Willie
The following board members were present: Willie Blackburn, Jessica Anderson, Scott Johnson, Weston Gramar, and Eydie Leighty, Manager with LLC.

-Feb. minutes reviewed and approved unanimously, no meeting in March (Scott motioned, Jess 2nd, minutes approved)

-There were no votes taken between meetings to ratify

-Transfer $3002.88 from reserves for bark, approved by board

-Willie 1st, Scott 2nd sending to legal (for demand letter and liens) the top 3 debtors who were sent lien and collection warnings in March and do not reply by 4/20 deadline. Passed unanimously.

-Willie 1st, Jess 2nd approval of 1120H taxes to be filed, passed unanimously.

-Willie 1st, Jess 2nd approval to waive HOA late fees in issue 21204. Passed unanimously.


April Events

-Earth Day, Garage Sale


-Broken Mailbox, est $2500 to replace- Eydie getting Bid

-Bicycle left on hill for over a week

-Board question to move to quarterly meetings discussed and tabled


-Meeting adjourned 7:35pm, Willie 1st, Scott 2nd, all in favor